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Burning Issues: Architectural Rendering - 3rd of 5

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This architectural rendering was the third of five created for the interactive CD titled "Burning Issues", a joint venture between the BLM, NIFC, and Florida State University. This house, modeled, textured, lit and rendered in LightWave 3D was composited over a background plate using Prem's custom LightWave plug-in, Shadowblatt. Layers depicting landscaping, wood under the deck, debris on the roof, etc. were added in Photoshop. The purpose of this rendering was to illustrate various wildland fire hazards in and around the home environment. These hazards were composited in a custom java-based lesson designed and coded by Prem Subrahmanyam to help students learn about making homes "FireWise".

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Contact Prem at prem@premdesign.com or 407-682-5688 to discuss your animation, design, or development needs.
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